There is major conflict going on in the Middle East which is affecting the US foreign policy. Libya and the United Nations which consist of Egypt, Arab Emirates, and Qatar are fighting with each other over religion and land. The United States are allies with the United Nations and want them to come up with a compromise and resolve their problems with Libya without fighting and causing bloodshed. However, the governments of America’s allies do not want to follow the United States actions and instead want to resolve things with only using force. Even though America has been requesting they take this action for months, Egypt, Arab Emirates, and Qatar all continue to encourage local factions to fight instead of compromise.
The Monroe Doctrine was written by James Monroe who was an American president to address congress. In the doctrine he states his position on American and European affairs. There were three main principles stated in the doctrine which were: separate spheres of influence, non-colonization, and non-intervention. If the United States were still following the rules of the Monroe Doctrine to address the Middle East affairs they would use the non-colonization principle. The United States is trying to tactfully convince the United Nations to follow their route of action without trying to over dominate them. The United Nations is the United States allies and the United States does not want to lose their allies in the Middle East by making it look like they are trying to rule their countries. The Monroe Doctrine is basically saying stay on their good side and don’t cross the line by being overpowering. Even though governments do not agree on the terms of action to be taken, the United States will peacefully push their position of action onto the United Nations to remain at peace with them. Reuters, David. "Libya Peace Talks May Be Doomed by Meddling Powers: U.S." Web. 8 Dec. 2014. .