Friday, October 17, 2014

The Ultimate Victor

Napoleon Bonaparte made a huge impact on Europe, especially in France. He had a great impact on the political, economic, and social systems of Europe. Napoleon was a good leader who conquered many countries and changed Europe for the better.
Napoleon Bonaparte changed the political government in a big way. He took away monarchy and established the new system of meritocracy. This system rewarded people based on their skills rather than their social class. In 1709 Napoleon also planned to overthrow the directory and five of the directories members resigned. By replacing the directory Napoleon would be able to enforce the new government system and provide new jobs for people who deserved them. The power Napoleon had, gave him the opportunity to make the government system better in France and around Europe.
The economic system also had a positive change thanks to Napoleon. All across Europe he made French armies abolish titles of nobility and serfdom, ended church privileges, removed trade barriers, and stimulated the industry. Removing the barriers and making new canals and roads helped increase trade from country to country. To restore economic prosperity he also controlled prices and encouraged new industry. Controlling prices allowed people to afford new things and still have enough money to live off of. Bonaparte had a huge impact by establishing the bank of France. By doing this France could easily balance the budget and undertook massive public work programs. Napoleon’s ideas on making the economic systems better led to a more balanced way of living throughout Europe.
The last big impact Napoleon had on Europe and France was on the social system. He allowed more citizens to have rights to property and access to an education. He made this happen by abolishing titles of nobility and serfdom. However, this angered many of the noble people. They thought that this new system brought down their social class and status. Napoleon also redrew the map of Europe. By redrawing the map only Britain was not a part of Europe anymore and Frances territory was increased. All the land Napoleon had conquered made soldiers admire him. They believed he was a great leader and improved Europe for the better.
Napoleon Bonaparte made great advances in bettering the lives of people across Europe. His views and ideas on political, economic, and social systems in Europe inspired others and improved things for the better. Even though Napoleon was not loved by everybody, many people admire his dedication towards improving the government.

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